Whether you are exploring majors or have identified an area of interest, Counselors are ready to help.
Identify Your 赌钱app可以微信提现 Counselor
- Log in to your My赌钱app可以微信提现 account
- Click on MyProfile. You’ll see your primary counselor listed.

Kristen Harth

Angie Claussen

Maureen Alexander

Heather Bratton

Andy Meenen

Jessica Garcia

Emily Ziegler

Star Triscornia
Explore programs in Business, Hospitality, & Professional Services

Dan Mueller

David Dominguez

Nancy Riley

Dan Mueller

David Dominguez

Nancy Riley
Explore programs in Education, Humanities, & Social Sciences

Alice Baty

Erin Walters

Bailey Wilner

Patricia Donaldson

Jill Konen

Emily Plotkin

Melanie Roberts

Amy Fisher

Elaina Pivovar

Carrie Thompson

Denise Filley

Dan Blumeyer

Casey Buchanan

Amy Warner

Indra Mursid

Chad Yonker
If you seek solutions to personal challenges, visit with a personal counselor.